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From Concept To Reality – Bringing Your Designs to Life

On Mar 20, 2018

When a test engineer or team of test engineers are presented with a problem, they’re generally eager to dive into the issue and develop a solution. The final design is comprised of countless specifications and details that ultimately manifest themselves into a print package. Whether these designs were done by Ball Systems’ design team or by the customer, it remains an ethereal concept. Only when the design is built does it become a product. Ball Systems has perfected the process of taking a conceptual design and turning it into a tangible and working product, throughout its 50-year history.

At Ball Systems, we are experts at dealing with assembly issues. Many times the exact specifications defined in design don’t translate to reality. Examples of some common issues are:

  • No tolerance given to fit two pieces together
    • A 1” rod is specified to fit into a 1” hole
  • Mechanical dimensions are incorrect for the hardware
    • Cutout hole for panel mount jacks
  • Electrical schematic issues
    • Power shorted to ground
    • Wire labels are incorrect
  • Part specification
    • Part tolerances don’t meet application
    • Part doesn’t physically fit
    • Part is not readily available

Our team takes a practical engineering approach when finding solutions to these problems. We rely on the combined knowledge of our test engineers and production staff to find solutions that are easy to implement, easy to service, and that don’t break the bank. For problems that go beyond our normal areas of expertise, we rely upon our extensive network of suppliers and sub-contractors.

Whether you have a product that needs a test solution or completed design, Ball Systems is equipped to make that concept a reality. We specialize in prototyping and small scale production runs. Our team is prepared to tackle the issues involved.

We can bring your concept to life. Contact us today to start the process, (317) 804-2330.

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